Advancement to Candidacy

Doctoral Students

Students are admitted to candidacy if they pass by unanimous vote an oral examination administered by a Candidacy Committee. Advancement committee membership requires 5 members: 1 chair, 3 general members and 1 outside member. For students whose committee chair or advisor may have a financial interest in their work, an Oversight member is also required. During the advancement phase, students also select their 3 member dissertation committee. For further policy/procedural guidelines regarding advancement to candidacy please see the Ph.D Advancement to Candidacy form.

Please note: Doctoral students who plan to earn the master’s along the way toward the doctorate must advance separately for the master’s and Ph.D in order to earn both degrees. Advancement to candidacy for a Ph.D does not automatically grant the student a master’s degree.

Master's Students

The master’s degree is attained by: Plan I, the Thesis option, or Plan II, the Comprehensive Examination option; both options require students to advance to candidacy. Plan II does not require a committee; however students must consult with their department regarding advancement requirements. Under Plan I a committee of three faculty members is required for advancement, 1 chair and 2 general members. For further policy/procedural guidelines please refer to the Master’s Advancement to Candidacy form.

Please note: Doctoral students who plan to earn the master’s along the way toward the doctorate must advance separately for the master’s and Ph.D in order to earn both degrees. Advancement to candidacy for a Ph.D does not automatically grant the student a master’s degree.